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Why have my kids been subjected to such undeserved treatment?

Gazan Woman Describes Terrifying Night of Air Strikes

Family’s Terrifying Escape

A Gazan woman, devastated by the air strikes that destroyed her home, packed her family’s belongings and crammed her six children into a car. Tears streaming down her face, she asked, “What did my children do to deserve this?” The night had been filled with terror as the bombings shook their neighborhood.

A City in Ruins

Gaza morgues were overwhelmed with bodies, while the streets were cluttered with debris from demolished buildings. The relentless Israeli strikes have left Palestinian residents in despair, claiming that this is the worst violence they have ever experienced. “This is not retaliation. This is madness,” expressed Jehad, a grocery store owner in Gaza. He emphasized that innocent civilians, not Hamas leaders, had suffered the most.

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A Desperate Plea for Normalcy

As bodies continue to be discovered, Gaza has been plunged into darkness with no electricity, water, food, or fuel. The strikes have resulted in over 770 deaths, 4,000 injuries, and forced 187,000 people to seek shelter in overcrowded U.N. schools. The dire situation has left a desperate mother, Emmah Thahir, with nowhere to turn. She wonders, “What is our fault? What did my children do?” Her apartment was destroyed, and the buildings that had offered her shelter were also damaged.

A City Devastated

The scenes at Gaza’s morgue are heart-wrenching, with bodies piled up and blood staining the floor. Workers in medical gowns hurriedly cover the deceased, urging families to collect the bodies promptly for burial as more casualties arrive. Buildings lay in ruins, and the air is thick with dust and smoke. Amidst the chaos, the cries of a grieving woman echo through the streets.

A City in Ashes

Throughout the night, ambulances and rescue workers struggle to reach those trapped under rubble or seeking refuge in collapsed buildings. In Remal, a district known for its gardens, residents grimly remark that it should now be called “ashes.” The destruction is devastating, and the future remains uncertain for the people of Gaza.

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As the world watches, the people of Gaza continue to endure unimaginable suffering. The international community must work towards a peaceful resolution to prevent further loss of innocent lives.

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