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United States takes action against Iran’s missile and drone programs as UN measures expire.

US Imposes Sanctions on Iran’s Missile and Drone Programs

US Targets Iran’s Missile and Drone Programs

The United States has taken action to limit Iran’s missile and drone programs by imposing new sanctions and issuing warnings to companies. These measures come as UN sanctions on Iran’s ballistic missile program expired and amid renewed criticism of Iran for supporting Hamas.

Concerns Over Iran’s Support for Hamas

While US officials do not have evidence directly linking Iran to the recent attack by Hamas on Israel, they fault Tehran for its long-standing support of the Gaza-based militant group. The expiration of UN sanctions raises concerns about Iran’s ability to develop and export missile and drone technology, including to Russia.

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US Treasury Imposes Sanctions

In a tangible response, the US Treasury has imposed sanctions on several individuals, entities, and a vessel from Iran, Hong Kong, China, and Venezuela. These targets are said to enable Iran’s “destabilizing” ballistic missile and drone programs. Additionally, the US government has issued an advisory to the industry, outlining Iran’s deceptive practices in obtaining parts for its ballistic missile program.

International Commitment to Prevent Weapons Shipments

More than 45 states, including the US and its allies, have pledged to uphold the 2003 Proliferation Security Initiative. This joint commitment aims to prevent shipments related to weapons of mass destruction. These measures come as a response to the expiration of UN sanctions under the defunct 2015 Iran nuclear deal.

US Efforts to Counter Iran’s Activities

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken emphasized the need to counter Iran’s development, procurement, and proliferation of missiles and drones. He highlighted the impact of Iran’s provision of missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles to designated terrorist organizations and its transfer of lethal drones to Russia.

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The United States is taking decisive action to curb Iran’s missile and drone programs. By imposing new sanctions and issuing warnings to companies, the US aims to limit Iran’s ability to develop and export these technologies. Concerns over Iran’s support for Hamas and the expiration of UN sanctions have prompted these measures.

The US Treasury has targeted individuals, entities, and a vessel from various countries that enable Iran’s ballistic missile and drone programs. In addition, the US government has issued an advisory to the industry, outlining Iran’s deceptive practices in obtaining parts for its ballistic missile program.

The international community has also come together, with over 45 states committing to preventing shipments related to weapons of mass destruction. This joint effort aims to counter the impact of the expiration of UN sanctions under the defunct Iran nuclear deal.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has expressed the need to use all available tools to counter Iran’s activities. He highlighted the impact of Iran’s support for designated terrorist organizations and its transfer of lethal drones to Russia. The United States remains committed to addressing Iran’s development, procurement, and proliferation of missiles and drones.

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