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China’s diplomatic efforts face challenges as Middle East crisis tests its capabilities.

China’s Diplomatic Ambitions in the Middle East Tested by Israel-Gaza Crisis

China’s Desire to Be a Diplomatic Heavyweight

China’s surprise deal restoring ties between Saudi Arabia and Iran earlier this year showcased Beijing’s aspiration to become a diplomatic powerhouse in the Middle East. However, the ongoing crisis in Israel and Gaza is putting this ambition to the test.

China’s Muted Response to the Israel-Gaza Conflict

Despite brokering the Saudi-Iran agreement in March, China’s response to the killings in Israel by Hamas has been relatively restrained. Foreign ministry spokespersons have called for de-escalation and a “two-state solution,” but China’s leader, Xi Jinping, has remained silent on the issue. This tepid reaction has raised doubts about China’s portrayal as a major player in the Middle East.

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Criticism and Neutrality

China’s neutrality in the Israel-Gaza conflict has drawn criticism from U.S. and Israeli officials, who argue that it undermines Beijing’s claim to be an unbiased peace broker in the region. However, analysts argue that China’s risk-averse approach to diplomacy, coupled with its historical support for the Palestinians and rivalry with the United States, makes navigating this conflict challenging.

China’s Limited Options

China’s longstanding relationships in the region, particularly with the Palestinians, limit its options in the Israel-Gaza crisis. While China has previously engaged with officials from Israel and the Palestinian Authority to discuss a two-state solution, its policy of non-interference and the complexities of the conflict prevent it from taking a more active role.

China’s Reluctance to Take Risks

China’s reluctance to condemn Hamas also stems from its partnerships with Russia and Iran, both of which may have vested interests in the group’s actions. Additionally, China’s desire for stability in the Middle East, driven by its oil imports and investments, means it prefers to pursue low-risk diplomatic engagements rather than involving itself in conflict management.

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China’s Diplomatic Strategy in the Middle East

China’s success in brokering reconciliation agreements, such as the one between Saudi Arabia and Iran, highlights its diplomatic achievements in the Middle East. However, when it comes to conflict management, China has shown a reluctance to take on a leading role. Its aspirations for respect and admiration worldwide do not necessarily translate into resolving complex regional security issues.

The Unpredictability of China’s Involvement

While China’s investments and interests in the Middle East make peace desirable, its limited willingness to take risks and its policy of non-interference suggest that Beijing may not actively engage in resolving the Israel-Gaza crisis. China’s diplomatic approach is driven by stability and low-hanging fruit, rather than tackling the difficult challenges of conflict resolution.


China’s diplomatic ambitions in the Middle East face a significant test with the Israel-Gaza crisis. While the country has made strides in brokering agreements and deepening regional alliances, its risk-averse approach and historical alliances limit its involvement in conflict management. China’s desire for stability and its reluctance to take on complex regional challenges highlight the constraints it faces as it seeks to establish itself as a diplomatic heavyweight in the Middle East.

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