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Venezuela schedules referendum on border conflict with Guyana, marking a crucial step forward.

Venezuelans to Vote in Referendum on Territory Dispute with Guyana

Venezuelans to Decide on Territory Rights

Venezuelans will have the opportunity to vote in a referendum on December 3 to determine “the rights” over a potentially oil-rich territory that is in dispute with neighboring Guyana, according to authorities. This referendum comes after a long-standing border dispute between the two countries. In April, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruled that it had jurisdiction over the issue.

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Political Implications and International Influence

Critics view this vote as a means for the ruling party to gauge its strength before next year’s elections and to sway international courts in favor of granting full rights over the disputed border territory. The ruling party aims to strengthen its position and encourage international courts to support their claims.

Venezuela’s Concerns Over Oil Tender

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Venezuela recently voiced its opposition to an oil tender announced by Guyana in September. Venezuela argues that the offshore areas under dispute are subject to conflicts, and the companies awarded the fields should not have the rights to explore them.

The Esequiba Region and its Significance

The disputed area, known as the “Esequiba region,” covers approximately 160,000 square kilometers along the countries’ borders. This region, consisting mostly of impenetrable jungle, constitutes more than two-thirds of Guyana’s total land mass. Venezuela’s claims over the territory have been revived due to the discovery of oil and gas near the maritime border.

Looking Ahead

The upcoming referendum will play a crucial role in determining the future of the disputed territory between Venezuela and Guyana. The outcome will not only impact the political landscape but also have implications for potential oil and gas exploration in the region. As Venezuelans prepare to cast their votes, the world will closely watch the developments surrounding this territorial dispute.

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