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Unwavering Support: The United States Remains Committed to Providing Continuous Assistance

US Secretary of State Supports Israel, Urges Restraint in Retaliation

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken expressed his personal understanding of the impact of Hamas’ attacks on Israeli Jews as he stood alongside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Tel Aviv. Blinken assured Israel of America’s unwavering support and called for restraint in Israel’s retaliation, emphasizing the need to protect civilian lives.

Understanding the Echoes of Tragedy

Blinken, in a heartfelt address, shared the personal experiences of his family, highlighting his empathy for the Israeli people. He acknowledged the historical suffering and the harrowing memories that Hamas’ massacres evoke, not only for Israeli Jews but for Jews worldwide.

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Efforts to Contain the Conflict

As Israel intensifies its bombing campaign against Hamas, Blinken embarked on a Middle East tour to address the crisis and seek solutions. He aims to secure the release of hostages, including American citizens, held by Hamas. Additionally, Blinken plans to facilitate discussions with Israel and Egypt regarding the safe evacuation of Gaza civilians before a potential Israeli ground invasion.

A Message to Iran

While working towards conflict containment, Blinken also intends to send a strong message to Iran, cautioning against involvement in the ongoing conflict. The United States seeks to deter Iran and its support for Hamas, urging them to stay out of the situation.

Israel’s Defense and Commitment to Civilians

Blinken acknowledged Israel’s right to defend itself and emphasized the importance of distinguishing democracies from terrorists. He called upon Israel to take every possible precaution to prevent harm to civilians, even in the face of mounting challenges.

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As Israel’s defense needs evolve, Blinken assured continued collaboration with Congress to meet those requirements. Furthermore, efforts are being made to facilitate the safe passage of civilians, including Palestinian Americans residing in Gaza.

Looking Ahead

Blinken’s Middle East tour includes meetings with key regional allies, such as Jordan’s King Abdullah and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. The Secretary of State aims to strengthen relationships and explore avenues for conflict resolution.

While the situation remains highly volatile, Blinken’s visit underscores the United States’ commitment to supporting Israel and working towards peace in the region.

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