HomeStock MarketUnifor, a Canadian union, plans to go on strike at three GM...

Unifor, a Canadian union, plans to go on strike at three GM facilities, according to Reuters.

Canadian Union Unifor Strikes at Three GM Facilities

Unifor Begins Strikes at GM Facilities in Canada

Canadian labor union Unifor announced on Tuesday that it would initiate strikes at three General Motors (NYSE:) facilities in the country. The strikes come after the union failed to reach an agreement on a new contract to improve wages and pensions before the midnight deadline. Unifor represents about 4,300 workers at GM covered by the contract talks and plans to strike at the Oshawa assembly complex, St. Catharines powertrain plant, and the Woodstock parts distribution center.

The Union’s Grievances

In a joint statement, Unifor leaders expressed their disappointment with GM’s unwillingness to meet their core pattern demands on pensions, support for retirees, and providing a clear path to permanent employment for part-time workers. These concerns, along with other unresolved issues, have led to the current strike. GM has not yet responded to Unifor’s statement.

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Unifor and the Detroit Three Automakers

Unifor represents approximately 18,000 workers employed by the Canadian facilities of the Detroit Three automakers, which include Ford (NYSE:) and Chrysler parent Stellantis (NYSE:). Last month, the union ratified a new three-year contract with Ford, which offered wage increases of up to 25% for over 5,600 workers. Although Unifor threatened to strike, Ford was able to reach a tentative deal without a work stoppage. Unifor had selected GM as its second bargaining target after Ford due to the company’s resistance to important elements of the agreement with Ford.

A Need for Resolution

Unifor emphasized the importance of reaching a favorable agreement with GM, highlighting the significance of pensions, retiree support, and fair employment opportunities for part-time workers. The strikes aim to compel GM to address these concerns and find a mutually beneficial resolution. As negotiations continue, the outcome will have a significant impact on the future of the Canadian automotive industry.

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