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UN to consider and vote on different resolutions regarding Israel and Gaza, highlighting opposing viewpoints.

The United Nations Security Council to Vote on Resolutions Regarding Israel and Gaza


The United Nations Security Council is set to vote on two draft resolutions pertaining to the situation in Israel and Gaza. The resolutions, submitted by Russia and Brazil, focus on the humanitarian crisis in the region. However, it remains uncertain whether either resolution will garner enough support for adoption.

The Draft Resolutions

Russia’s draft resolution calls for a humanitarian ceasefire, while Brazil’s draft resolution advocates for humanitarian pauses to allow for aid access. Both resolutions condemn violence against civilians, acts of terrorism, and call for the release of hostages. Notably, the Brazilian draft resolution condemns the Palestinian militant group Hamas for its attacks on Israel, while the Russian draft resolution does not explicitly mention Hamas.

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Political Dynamics

Traditionally, the United States has shielded its ally, Israel, from any action taken by the Security Council. Consequently, it remains to be seen how the United States will respond to these resolutions. The political elements within the resolutions have the potential to divide the members of the Security Council and impact its role in resolving the crisis.

The Humanitarian Needs

According to Russia’s deputy U.N. Ambassador Dmitry Polyanskiy, the Russian draft resolution better addresses the humanitarian needs of the civilian population in Gaza without including divisive political elements. The ongoing conflict has resulted in a dire humanitarian situation, with Israel preparing for a ground offensive and subjecting Gaza to intense bombardment. The Gaza authorities report that at least 2,750 people have been killed.

Diplomatic Efforts

Efforts to arrange a ceasefire and facilitate the evacuation of foreign passport holders and the delivery of aid to Gaza have been unsuccessful. Israeli forces continue their bombardments despite diplomatic endeavors.

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In Conclusion

The United Nations Security Council’s vote on the rival resolutions underscores the urgency of addressing the humanitarian crisis in Israel and Gaza. The outcome of the vote remains uncertain, and the international community awaits a decision that can help alleviate the suffering of civilians caught in the crossfire.

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