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Protest against child labor in US meat industry by Tyson Foods workers and activists.

Tyson Foods Workers and Activists Rally Against Child Labor in US Meat Sector

Rally Outside Tyson Foods Headquarters

Workers and activists from Tyson Foods rallied outside the company’s headquarters in Arkansas on Monday. Their main concerns revolved around child labor and the need for improved working conditions in processing plants.

Pressure on the Meat Industry

Both activists and the Biden Administration have been pressuring the meat industry to adopt safer labor policies. This comes after reports surfaced about children being hired by contractors to perform dangerous jobs in slaughterhouses.

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Protesters’ Demands

Dozens of protesters marched near Tyson’s offices in Springdale, Arkansas, carrying signs that read “Stop child labor” and “Let children be children.” Their chants of “Hey hey, ho ho, exploitation’s gotta go” echoed through the crowd.

Tyson’s Response

Tyson Foods, the largest meat company in the US, had no immediate comment on the protest. However, their code of conduct states that suppliers should not engage in child labor.

Organizer’s Perspectives

Magaly Licolli, director of Venceremos, an organization advocating for poultry workers, believes Tyson needs to take more responsibility for preventing child labor in their supply chain. She mentioned a specific incident involving two teenage boys from Guatemala who were not initially paid for their work on a farm that supplied Tyson.

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Government Involvement

The US Department of Labor has ongoing investigations at Tyson and Perdue Farms regarding child labor in meat plants. This indicates that the issue is being taken seriously at a governmental level.

Additional Concerns

The protesters also called for Tyson to slow down processing lines in chicken plants to ensure worker safety. A banner with the message “Slow down the line, keep workers in mind” was prominently displayed during the rally.

Despite the rally and ongoing pressure, Tyson Foods has not yet made any public commitments or statements regarding the issues raised by the workers and activists. The fight against child labor and for improved working conditions in the meat industry continues.

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