HomeWorldPoll reveals majority of Israelis blame Netanyahu for failing to prevent Hamas...

Poll reveals majority of Israelis blame Netanyahu for failing to prevent Hamas attack, says Reuters.

Most Israelis Hold Prime Minister Netanyahu Responsible for Security Failures

Israeli Poll: Majority Blames Netanyahu for Failing to Prevent Hamas Attack

A recent poll conducted by Ma’ariv newspaper revealed that a staggering 80% of Israelis believe Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu should take responsibility for the security failures exposed by the devastating Hamas attack on October 7th. This unprecedented assault resulted in the loss of 1,400 Israeli lives, making it the deadliest day in the country’s 75-year history.

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Security Leadership Under Scrutiny

Key figures, including the army chief of staff, the head of military intelligence, and the head of the Shin Bet intelligence service, have all admitted that their services failed to prevent the attack. However, Netanyahu, despite criticism from his coalition partner Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, has yet to make a clear statement accepting responsibility for the security lapse.

Netanyahu’s Response Raises Concerns

Netanyahu’s recent statement regarding the attack, where he highlighted the need for a thorough investigation, has left many questioning his commitment to addressing the issue. Even within his own ruling Likud party, 69% of voters believe he should bear the responsibility for the security failure.

Gantz Gains Popularity

Former Defense Minister Benny Gantz, who recently joined a unity government, appears to be gaining popularity among the Israeli population. The survey conducted showed that 48% of respondents believe Gantz would make a better prime minister compared to only 28% for Netanyahu.

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Public Support for Gaza Ground Invasion

The poll also indicated that 65% of Israelis support the anticipated ground invasion of Gaza by Israeli troops. This demonstrates a significant portion of the population’s willingness to take further action to ensure national security.

About the Poll

The survey, conducted on October 18th and 19th, involved 510 respondents and has a margin of error of 4.3%, according to Ma’ariv.

In conclusion, the poll results clearly reflect the widespread sentiment among Israelis that Prime Minister Netanyahu must be held accountable for the security failures that allowed the devastating Hamas attack to occur. The lack of a clear statement from Netanyahu accepting responsibility has raised concerns among the public, leading to a surge in popularity for his opposition counterpart, Benny Gantz. As the nation prepares for a possible ground invasion of Gaza, it remains to be seen how the government will address these security concerns and regain the trust of the Israeli people.

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