HomeWorldPentagon denies Iran's involvement in instructing proxies to assault US troops, says...

Pentagon denies Iran’s involvement in instructing proxies to assault US troops, says Reuters.

US Pentagon: No Direct Order from Iran to Attack US Troops in the Region

Iran’s Supreme Leader Has Not Explicitly Ordered Attacks on US Troops, Says Pentagon

The Pentagon clarified on Monday that it has not received any direct order from Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei to attack US troops in the region. This statement comes after a surge in attacks by suspected Iran-backed groups in Iraq and Syria. Despite the rise in missile and drone strikes targeting US forces, there is no evidence of a specific order from Iran’s leadership.

Iran-Backed Militant Groups Responsible for Attacks, Says Pentagon Spokesperson

Brigadier General Patrick Ryder, a spokesperson for the Pentagon, emphasized that although there is no explicit order from Iran’s Supreme Leader, the United States holds Iran responsible for these attacks due to its support for militant groups. While Iran may not have directly instructed these groups to carry out the attacks, their backing and support make Iran accountable.

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Iran’s Strategy of Limited Strikes to Avoid Escalation

According to Iranian security officials, Iran’s strategy involves using Middle East proxies like Hezbollah to carry out limited strikes on Israeli and US targets. The goal is to avoid a major escalation that could draw in Tehran. This delicate balancing act showcases Iran’s cautious approach in the face of escalating tensions.

US Takes Precautionary Measures to Safeguard Troops

In response to the increased threat, US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has ordered additional air defenses to the Middle East. The deployment includes a Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system and extra Patriot air defense missile system battalions. The US has also sent warships and fighter aircraft to the region to deter Iran and its proxies from further aggression.

US Personnel on High Alert

The heightened tensions have put US personnel on constant alert. Recent incidents include drones targeting troops in Syria and Iraq, as well as a US warship intercepting drones and cruise missiles fired by Iranian-backed Houthis off the coast of Yemen. While US forces have managed to defend against these attacks, the risks remain high.

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Ensuring Regional Stability While Protecting US Forces

The United States aims to prevent a wider regional conflict but remains firm in its commitment to protect its forces. While tensions rise, the US is cautious not to escalate the situation further. However, it stands ready to defend its troops and maintain stability in the region.

Condensed and expanded to meet the approximate word count of 300 words.

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