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North Korea claims satellite crucial in countering US ‘space militarisation’, aiming to deter aggression.

North Korea’s Spy Satellite Program Counters US Space Militarization

North Korea’s Response to US Space Force Deployment

North Korea’s state media KCNA stated that the country’s spy satellite program is a crucial measure to counter the United States’ space militarization efforts. According to Ri Song Jin, a researcher of the National Aerospace Technology Administration, the US is expanding its space force to strengthen its preemptive nuclear strike capability and secure global supremacy. Ri specifically mentioned the recent visit of the US Space Force commander to Tokyo and the deployment of a Space Force component in South Korea, which participated in joint military drills. He claimed that these actions are a cover for a preemptive attack on independent countries like North Korea, China, and Russia.

The Importance of Space Development for North Korea

Ri emphasized that space development, including the establishment of a military reconnaissance satellite, is an indispensable strategic option for guaranteeing North Korea’s security interests and right to existence. He argued that the US’s increasing focus on space militarization, particularly in the Korean peninsula and its vicinity, necessitates North Korea’s efforts to develop its own capabilities. Despite previous failed attempts to place a spy satellite in orbit, North Korea plans to make another attempt in the near future. Last month, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un visited Russia’s advanced space launch center, where President Vladimir Putin pledged assistance in satellite construction.

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Canada’s Role in Ensuring Sanctions Against North Korea

In another development, an international affairs commentator named Ra Jong Min criticized Canada’s planned dispatch of military ships, aircraft, and personnel for “Operation NEON.” This operation aims to identify suspected sanctions evasions at sea, including ship-to-ship transfers of fuel and other prohibited activities. Ra accused Canada of blindly following its American ally and warned against the growing possibility of a military conflict on the Korean peninsula.

Overall, North Korea views its spy satellite program as a necessary response to the US’s space militarization efforts. The country believes that space development, including the establishment of a military reconnaissance satellite, is essential for ensuring its security and right to exist. Canada’s involvement in ensuring sanctions against North Korea has also drawn criticism. As tensions continue to simmer in the region, the future of space and military dynamics remains uncertain.

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