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Multiple governments collaborate in rescue operation as airlines confront Israeli insurance warning on flight routes.

Governments and Airlines Work Together to Evacuate Tourists from Israel

Flights and Evacuation Efforts

Governments and airlines are collaborating to facilitate the evacuation of thousands of tourists from Israel and repatriate its citizens following recent attacks. Israeli flag carrier El Al has announced 12 additional flights to and from various destinations, including Athens, Rome, Madrid, Bucharest, New York, Paris, Larnaca, and Istanbul. Furthermore, El Al’s low-cost unit, Sun Dor, plans to operate rescue flights from Istanbul. The death toll from the weekend attacks by Palestinian militant group Hamas and retaliatory strikes by Israeli forces has surpassed 2,000 people.

Insurance Concerns

Most foreign airlines have suspended or reduced their services to Israel, leaving passengers unsure of how to leave or enter the country. Consular services are overwhelmed with requests for assistance, prioritizing those with missing relatives. Israel’s parliamentary finance committee is considering authorizing state guarantees for war risk insurance for Israeli airlines. Insurance companies have the right to cancel cover with seven days’ notice, prompting airline executives to seek alternative options. Lloyd’s Market Association, an insurance industry body, emphasized the need to control exposure due to the escalating violence.

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Airlines Respond

British Airways has suspended flights to Tel Aviv, citing security concerns. However, Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavsky arranged for the repatriation of 34 Czechs from Israel on his government plane. Denmark also plans to evacuate its citizens and permanent residents from Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories using a C-130 Hercules military transporter. El Al, equipped with anti-missile systems, has taken on Israeli customers affected by cancellations of foreign companies’ flights. Other airlines, such as Lufthansa and Norwegian Air, are coordinating special relief flights.

Passenger Concerns and Costs

Passengers have expressed frustration over the rising costs of leaving Israel, but airlines deny inflating prices. El Al aims to keep prices low for reservists returning to Israel, with the highest fare from the United States reaching $900. Commercial flights out of Israel to destinations like London and New York, however, have seen prices in the thousands of dollars due to reduced schedules. The current scramble for flights coincides with a global shortage of airline capacity caused by COVID-19 supply chain disruptions.


The collaboration between governments and airlines is crucial in facilitating the safe evacuation of tourists and the repatriation of citizens from Israel. Despite challenges such as insurance concerns and rising costs, efforts are underway to ensure the well-being of individuals affected by the recent attacks. The situation remains dynamic, with various airlines adjusting their flight schedules to prioritize safety and operational efficiency.

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