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Lebanon tense after worst border clashes in 15 years, raising concerns since 2006.

Lebanon on Edge After Deadliest Border Clashes Since 2006

Residents Flee as Conflict Looms

Many residents of south Lebanon who were preparing to harvest their olives have instead fled for fear of another ruinous conflict with Israel. The recent cross-border violence marked the deadliest day since the 2006 war. The clashes have stirred memories of the devastating war between Israel and the Iranian-backed Lebanese group Hezbollah. The conflict between Israel and Palestinian militants, which is 200 km away to the south, has arrived at their doorstep.

Fear and Precaution on Both Sides

Villages on the Israeli side of the frontier appeared deserted, possibly due to residents sheltering indoors rather than evacuating. Israeli tanks were deployed near the heavily fortified border. The Israeli military stated that they had not issued any evacuation orders, but some people decided to relocate southward as a temporary precaution.

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Escalation and Memories of the Past

The recent violence brought back memories of the 2006 war for those in southern Lebanon. Charbel Alam, a barber in the border town of Rmeish, expressed his concerns about the escalating situation. He mentioned that many families had already left the area, especially those with children or elderly relatives. Alam highlighted the dire state of Lebanon’s economy, with the financial crisis leaving many Lebanese impoverished. The fear of a conflict exacerbating the country’s hardships looms large.

Israel and Hezbollah Respond

Six people lost their lives in the clashes – three Hezbollah members, an Israeli officer, and two Palestinian militants. The Israeli forces were responding to the infiltrating militants from Lebanon. In retaliation, Hezbollah fired on two Israeli army positions. Streets in Lebanese villages and towns near the border were quiet, with schools shut. A storm added to the tension as thunder was mistaken for Israeli bombardment.

Hezbollah’s Role and Lebanon’s Fragile State

Hezbollah, with close ties to Palestinian groups fighting Israel, has so far not opened a major second front against Israel. Lebanon, still recovering from the 2006 war, faces challenging economic times. The country’s financial meltdown has led to impoverishment and paralyzed state institutions. The inability of many to afford basic necessities, such as bread or gasoline, makes fleeing the area challenging.

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The situation remains tense as south Lebanon grapples with the fear of another devastating conflict. The memories of past wars and the current economic hardships have left the region on edge. As the international community closely watches the situation, the hope for peace and stability in the region remains uncertain.

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