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Hong Kong protester receives almost four-year prison term after being shot by police, says Reuters.

Hong Kong Protester Sentenced to Nearly Four Years Jail After Being Shot by Police

Man Shot During Hong Kong Protests Receives 47-Month Prison Sentence

A man who was shot by Hong Kong police during the mass pro-democracy protests in 2019 has been sentenced to 47 months in prison. The district court handed down the sentence on Wednesday, finding the man guilty of multiple charges, including rioting and perverting the course of justice.

Rioting and Assault Charges Result in Lengthy Prison Term

Tsang Chi-kin, the protester who was shot, received a 40-month sentence for rioting and an additional 7 months for allegedly assaulting a policeman with a white stick. The incident took place on October 1, 2019, when hundreds of thousands of people participated in anti-China, pro-democracy protests. These demonstrations sparked a crisis for Beijing’s Communist leaders.

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Additional Charges and Sentencing

In addition to the rioting and assault charges, Tsang was also sentenced to 11 months and two weeks for perverting the course of justice, along with three other individuals. Deputy District Judge Ada Yim granted Tsang a one-third deduction of his sentence due to his expression of remorse and active assistance during the police investigation.

A High Profile Protester’s Plight

Tsang, who gained significant attention as one of the city’s most prominent protesters, went into hiding for two years after being shot and failing to secure asylum at the U.S. consulate in Hong Kong. The 22-year-old pleaded guilty to all charges and wrote a letter explaining the impact of his depression and health problems resulting from the gunshot wound. However, Judge Yim did not consider these factors as mitigating circumstances.

Importance of a Deterrent Sentence

Judge Yim emphasized the need for a deterrent sentence, highlighting Tsang’s almost successful attempt to abscond. Two other co-defendants received jail terms of up to 20 months, while a third was sent to a training center for youths.

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The Journey from “Heaven to Hell”

Reflecting on his experience, Tsang stated that being rejected for asylum by the U.S. had plunged him from “heaven to hell,” motivating him to go into hiding. After evading the police for nearly two years, Tsang and several others were apprehended while en route to a pier, intending to escape to Taiwan via speedboat.

Beijing’s National Security Law

In 2020, Beijing imposed a national security law on Hong Kong, drawing criticism from Western governments who consider it a tool to suppress dissent and the democratic opposition. However, China asserts that the security law has restored stability to the global financial hub.

(This story has been corrected to fix the gender to say she, not he, in paragraph 7)

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