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Hamas advises Gaza residents to remain indoors ahead of potential Israeli ground offensive.

Mosques and Hamas Officials Urge Gaza Residents to Stay Home Amid Looming Israeli Offensive

Gaza Strip Residents Receive Stay-at-Home Orders

Mosques and Hamas officials in the Gaza Strip have advised residents to remain in their homes, defying an Israeli military call for over a million civilians to move south within 24 hours in anticipation of an imminent ground offensive. The Israeli military has already launched extensive air strikes on Gaza and mobilized 300,000 reservists, escalating tensions with the Palestinian militant group Hamas.

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Potential Ramifications of Ground Invasion

An incursion by Israeli forces into Gaza could have significant implications for the ongoing conflict between the Israeli military and Hamas. In a recent attack, Hamas launched its deadliest assault on Israel since the 1973 Arab-Israeli war. Israel’s response has resulted in over 1,400 casualties in Gaza, while Hamas claims to have killed more than 1,300 Israelis. The prospect of a ground invasion evokes memories of the Nakba, the 1948 war that led to the mass displacement of Palestinians.

Israeli Relocation Order Recalls Nakba

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Analysts describe Israel’s relocation order as an attempt to replicate the events of the Nakba, accusing Israel of dropping explosives on Palestinian civilians in 1948. The Israeli military warns of Hamas militants hiding among innocent civilians in Gaza City, employing them as human shields. In response, mosques in Gaza have broadcast messages encouraging residents to hold on to their homes and land.

Hamas Dismisses Evacuation Call

Hamas urges Palestinians to disregard the evacuation order, labeling it as disinformation intended to create panic and facilitate Israel’s plan to invade and dismantle the militant group. The United Nations Palestinian refugee agency condemns the call as “horrendous” and warns of Gaza rapidly descending into a humanitarian crisis.

Palestinian President Rejects Forced Displacement

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas voices his rejection of the forced displacement of Palestinians in Gaza, referring to it as a “second Nakba.” He calls for the immediate establishment of humanitarian corridors to avert a disaster. The death of Wael Al-Zard, a prominent Gaza Hamas cleric, further intensifies tensions.

Gaza Residents Determined to Stay Put

Residents of Gaza City and northern Gaza defiantly declare their refusal to leave their homes, despite the absence of safe alternatives. The destruction of infrastructure, scarcity of fuel, and limited access to medical facilities pose significant challenges. Gazans express their determination to resist displacement, emphasizing their resilience to the world.

Hamas Urges Arab Support

Hamas spokesman Eyad Al-Bozom calls on Arabs, particularly those in countries bordering Israel, to stand in solidarity with Gaza. He accuses the Israeli occupation of attempting to displace Palestinians from their land through civilian massacres.

The situation in Gaza remains tense as residents brace themselves for further escalation. The ongoing conflict continues to impact the lives of innocent civilians caught in the crossfire.

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