HomeStock MarketEcuador raids Mexican embassy in Quito on suspicion of illegal activity, sparking...

Ecuador raids Mexican embassy in Quito on suspicion of illegal activity, sparking diplomatic tension.

Escalating Diplomatic Dispute Between Mexico and Ecuador

Mexico Suspends Relations with Ecuador After Embassy Raid

Mexico has abruptly suspended bilateral relations with Ecuador in an escalating diplomatic dispute. This action comes after Ecuador’s police forcefully entered Mexico’s Quito embassy to arrest former vice president Jorge Glas on graft charges.

Police Raid on Mexico’s Embassy to Arrest Glas

Heavily-armed and balaclava-clad police broke into Mexico’s embassy late at night to apprehend Jorge Glas, Ecuador’s former vice president. Glas had been residing in the embassy since December, seeking asylum in Mexico, which was granted just before the raid.

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Controversy Surrounding Glas’ Arrest

Ecuador had requested Mexico’s permission to enter the embassy to detain Glas, arguing that the asylum offer was illegal. According to international law, individuals facing charges should not be granted asylum. Mexico, in response, suspended relations with Ecuador and defended its decision to grant asylum after careful consideration of Glas’ case.

Glas’ Background and Charges

Jorge Glas, who served as vice president during Rafael Correa’s government from 2013 to 2017, has been convicted twice in corruption cases. He now faces new charges of misusing public resources, including accepting bribes from Odebrecht and using contractor funds for political campaigns.

Regional Reaction and International Response

Latin American governments, ranging from Brazil to Argentina, have criticized Glas’ arrest. Brazil condemned Ecuador’s actions as a violation of international norms, while Argentina called for adherence to the Vienna Convention on diplomatic relations. The Organization of American States plans to discuss the need for strict compliance with international treaties.

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Next Steps and Legal Actions

The Mexican foreign ministry intends to file a complaint with the International Court of Justice, while Colombia’s government seeks human rights protections for Glas from the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. The situation continues to unfold as legal and diplomatic actions are pursued in response to the escalating tensions between Mexico and Ecuador.

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