HomeWorldEcuador candidates conclude campaigning before Sunday's crucial election, focusing on voter outreach...

Ecuador candidates conclude campaigning before Sunday’s crucial election, focusing on voter outreach and messaging.

Ecuador’s Presidential Candidates Close Campaigns Amidst Rising Insecurity and Unemployment

Leftist Luisa Gonzalez and business heir Daniel Noboa, the two presidential candidates in Ecuador, are set to conclude their campaigns with rallies and vehicle caravans on Thursday. Both candidates have vowed to combat the escalating issues of insecurity and unemployment in the country.

A Campaign Marred by Violence and Threats

The lead-up to Sunday’s election has been overshadowed by violence and threats against candidates. Tragically, anti-corruption candidate Fernando Villavicencio was murdered prior to the first round in August. Subsequently, seven suspects linked to the case were also killed.

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An Intense Competition

Leading recent polls, 35-year-old banana heir Daniel Noboa holds a slight advantage over his rival, Luisa Gonzalez. However, some surveys indicate that both candidates are within the margin of error. Noboa’s campaign promises include attracting foreign investment, generating employment opportunities for the youth, and employing technology to combat rising crime rates, which have been attributed to drug gangs by the current government.

Although Noboa faced a technical issue delaying his agenda, he managed to conclude his campaign in Quito with a citywide caravan. He is expected to hold a rally in Santa Elena on Thursday evening. “Our proposals are very clear, which is why we have the trust of the majority of the Ecuadorean people, especially the young generation. We represent the new era!” Noboa expressed on social media.

Luisa Gonzalez, who secured 34% of the vote in the first round and is a protégé of former President Rafael Correa, urged her supporters to ensure the protection of votes across the nation. Gonzalez aims to reinstate the high social spending that characterized Correa’s presidency and utilize $2.5 billion from Ecuador’s international reserves to stabilize the economy.

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Gonzalez’s closing campaign event in Quito took place amidst heavy rainfall, where she emphasized, “Someone who hasn’t experienced hunger or struggled to find work cannot truly understand the transformation this country needs. This Sunday’s election is not just any election; it is a stand we take to reshape our nation.”

On Thursday, Gonzalez will visit Manta and Guayaquil to connect with voters.

A Crucial Election with Far-Reaching Consequences

The upcoming election will be critical for Ecuador, as over 13 million citizens are obligated to cast their votes. The elected candidate will serve a shortened term until May 2025 and will face the daunting task of addressing the country’s pressing challenges.

As Ecuador’s presidential campaign comes to a close, the nation awaits with anticipation to see which candidate will emerge victorious and be entrusted with the responsibility of leading the country towards a brighter future.

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