HomeWorldChallenges for EU migration pact highlighted by Brussels attack, says Reuters.

Challenges for EU migration pact highlighted by Brussels attack, says Reuters.

Challenges in EU Migration System Highlighted by Brussels Attack

Security Gaps and Failed Returns Policies

A deadly attack in Brussels by a rejected asylum-seeker from Tunisia has brought attention to the security gaps and failed returns policies within the European Union’s migration system. This incident has prompted the EU to consider overhauling its troubled migration system, which has been further complicated by the ongoing Israel-Hamas war.

Concerns over Increasing Unauthorized Arrivals

Italy and Germany, among other countries, have expressed alarm over the rising number of unauthorized migrant arrivals as the EU works towards tightening migration and asylum rules. With a bloc-wide election approaching next June, there is a sense of urgency to address these issues.

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Case Study: The Rejected Asylum-Seeker from Tunisia

The attacker had initially applied for asylum in Belgium in 2019 but lost his case in October 2020. In March of the following year, he was issued an order to leave Belgium. However, the authorities faced difficulties with delivering the decision as they had no valid address for him. This raises questions about the effectiveness of the system and the ability to track individuals.

Obstacles to Repatriation

The challenges of repatriating migrants who have no right to stay in the EU will be discussed by justice and home affairs ministers in Brussels. Despite discussions on the need for increased returns, there were only 86,000 returns in 2022, according to the EU border agency Frontex. Poor cooperation from origin countries has hindered progress in this area.

Tunisia’s Role in Migration Control

Tunisia, in particular, has faced difficulties in cooperating with the EU’s efforts to curb departures for Europe. A recent EU deal offering financial assistance in exchange for tighter control on migration has encountered obstacles. EU leaders will address this issue at an upcoming summit in Brussels.

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Complexities in Tracking Migrants

The case of the Brussels attacker, involving multiple EU countries, highlights the challenges of tracking individuals across the Schengen open-travel zone. The EU’s new migration pact aims to support returns by streamlining migration and asylum procedures, but doubts remain about its effectiveness and concerns over human rights risks.

Enforcing the Migration Pact

Manfred Weber, the head of the centre-right European People’s Party group in the European Parliament, emphasizes the importance of enforcing the migration pact and ensuring that those who do not have the right to stay in the EU are required to leave. However, nationalist governments in Poland and Hungary have refused to support the pact or accept migrants from the Middle East and Africa.

In conclusion, the Brussels attack has shed light on the challenges and shortcomings of the EU’s migration system. Addressing security gaps, improving returns policies, and fostering cooperation with origin countries are crucial steps towards a more effective and secure system.

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