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Biden cautions Iran about Gaza; Israel establishes crisis war cabinet, raising concerns over escalation.

US President Biden Warns Iran as Israel Forms Emergency War Cabinet

US President Joe Biden has issued a warning to Iran, cautioning against their involvement in Israel’s conflict with Hamas. This comes amid concerns of a wider regional conflict. In response, Israeli leaders have formed an emergency war cabinet to present a united front.

Israeli Retribution and Biden’s Show of Support

Israeli jets have been launching airstrikes on the Gaza Strip in retaliation for an attack by Palestinian Hamas militants. The militants breached the border fence enclosing Gaza, causing destruction and casualties. In a show of support, President Biden has dispatched his top diplomat, Antony Blinken, to the Middle East to secure the release of captives, including Americans, and prevent a larger war from erupting.

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Biden has also sent a clear signal to Iran by deploying military ships and aircraft closer to Israel. Iran backs Islamist groups Hamas and Hezbollah, and Biden’s actions serve as a warning to them.

Surprise Attacks and Humanitarian Crisis

US intelligence reports indicate that while Iran likely knew of Hamas’ plans for operations against Israel, some Iranian leaders were still surprised by the extent of the attack from Gaza. The ongoing conflict has resulted in a dire humanitarian crisis, with over 1,200 people killed and more than 2,700 injured. Scores of hostages have also been taken.

Israel has been targeting Hamas militants, and the airstrikes have caused significant damage in Gaza. Residential buildings have been destroyed, leaving around 250,000 people homeless. The situation is worsened by an Israeli blockade that restricts the flow of essential supplies, leaving many Palestinians in desperate need.

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Efforts for Restraint and Unity

Biden has been in regular contact with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, urging Israel to follow the rules of war and exercise restraint in its response against Hamas. The US is also working with Israel and Egypt to ensure safe passage for civilians from Gaza, where food shortages are becoming increasingly critical.

Israel’s leaders have formed a unity government, setting aside their political differences to focus on the fight against Hamas. Former Defense Minister Benny Gantz emphasized that their partnership is driven by shared fate rather than politics. The unity government aims to unite the people of Israel and demonstrate their commitment to protecting the state.

The conflict continues to escalate, with both sides firmly entrenched in their positions. As the international community watches, the hope for peace and an end to the suffering of innocent civilians remains elusive.

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