HomePoliticsUS State Department expels two officials from the Russian embassy

US State Department expels two officials from the Russian embassy

The United States Expels Two Russian Embassy Officials in Retaliation

The United States has taken action to expel two Russian embassy officials in response to Russia’s earlier expulsion of two U.S. diplomats from the American embassy in Moscow. The U.S. State Department confirmed this development on Friday, highlighting the ongoing tensions between the two countries.

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Reciprocal Measures Reflect Escalating Diplomatic Disputes

The State Department spokesperson stated, “In response to the Russian Federation’s specious expulsion of two U.S. Embassy Moscow diplomats, the State Department reciprocated by declaring persona non grata two Russian Embassy officials operating in the United States.” The decision to expel the Russian officials was made as a direct response to Russia’s actions, which the U.S. considers to be unwarranted and unjustifiable.

The spokesperson also emphasized that the Department will not tolerate the Russian government’s pattern of harassment towards American diplomats. They further added that any unacceptable actions against U.S. Embassy personnel in Moscow will have consequences.

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Russian Response and Accusations of Groundless Expulsion

Russia’s RIA news agency quoted an unnamed source from the Russian foreign ministry who confirmed the expulsion. The source referred to the expulsion as groundless and accused Washington of using Russia’s previous expulsion of two U.S. diplomats on September 14th as a pretext.

According to the source, “We are not interested in escalation, but if such hostile actions continue, as always, we will respond firmly and decisively.”

Background on Previous Expulsions and Strained Relations

Russia had initially expelled two U.S. diplomats on September 14th, accusing them of collaborating with a Russian national charged with working for a foreign state. These recent diplomatic expulsions reflect the deteriorating relationship between Moscow and Washington, which has reached its lowest point in over 60 years due to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

The United States has been providing advanced weaponry to Ukraine and has imposed sanctions on Russia in response to its invasion in February 2022.

In Conclusion

The expulsion of two Russian embassy officials by the United States is a direct response to Russia’s earlier expulsion of two U.S. diplomats. This exchange reflects the escalating tensions between the two countries and the ongoing diplomatic disputes. The United States remains firm in its stance against Russian harassment of American diplomats and warns of consequences for any further unacceptable actions. The strained relations between Moscow and Washington continue to be fueled by the conflict in Ukraine and the subsequent actions taken by both sides.

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