HomeFutures and CommoditiesTop Mexican presidential candidate plans to reduce oil refinery waste, according to...

Top Mexican presidential candidate plans to reduce oil refinery waste, according to advisor.

Mexico’s Presidential Front-Runner Plans to Revamp Pemex Refineries

An Ambitious Vision for Mexico’s Energy Sector

In a bid to transform Mexico’s energy landscape, presidential front-runner Claudia Sheinbaum is gearing up to overhaul state-owned Pemex’ oil refineries. Her focus lies in enhancing motor fuel production by reducing the excessive output of low-value fuels like fuel oil.

Tackling Pemex’s Fuel Dilemma

Pemex has been grappling with soaring levels of heavy fuels, particularly fuel oil, due to its struggling refineries’ inability to process the heavy Maya crude it receives. Last year, fuel oil production surpassed gasoline production, posing environmental challenges as fuel oil is primarily used for electricity generation in Mexico.

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Investing in Refinery Upgrades

Sheinbaum’s energy coordinator, Jorge Islas, emphasized the significance of refineries in achieving energy self-sufficiency. The plan includes expanding the Salamanca refinery’s capabilities with a new coking unit to boost gasoline and diesel output, addressing the underutilization of existing infrastructure.

Challenges and Opportunities

Despite substantial investments to revamp Pemex’s aging refineries under President Lopez Obrador, profitability remains elusive. The delayed Dos Bocas refinery, although operational, is yet to produce finished fuels, underscoring the industry’s complexities.

Transitioning to Renewable Energy

Amidst diminishing oil reserves and escalating costs, Mexico is contemplating an energy transition towards renewables. Sheinbaum’s vision aims to maintain hydrocarbon production while integrating renewable sources to meet evolving energy demands.

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Financial Reforms and Accountability

Addressing Pemex’s financial woes, Sheinbaum’s administration intends to explore support mechanisms while emphasizing the company’s accountability and operational efficiency. The goal is to foster sustainable growth and reduce dependency on external aid.

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