HomeEconomic IndicatorRampant inflation leads to global child hunger, impacting lives across the globe.

Rampant inflation leads to global child hunger, impacting lives across the globe.

High Inflation and Rising Costs of Living Fuel Worldwide Hunger, Survey Finds

Concerns over Child Hunger and Malnutrition

A survey commissioned by humanitarian group World Vision International reveals that high levels of inflation and increased costs of living are contributing to hunger on a global scale. The survey, conducted in 16 countries, found that 59% of parents expressed deep concerns about child hunger and malnutrition within their families. Furthermore, 46% of parents worry about their ability to afford food.

Nutrition Deficiencies and Hunger

The survey also revealed that 37% of parents reported that their children do not receive proper nutrition each day, while 21% stated that their children have gone hungry in the past month. In low-income countries, the percentage of children going to bed hungry rises to 38%. Surprisingly, even in the United States, 18% of respondents admitted that a child in their home has experienced hunger.

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A Global Issue

“Hunger is a global problem, and it isn’t limited to any one country or part of the globe,” stated Andrew Morely, the president of World Vision International. The survey, conducted by Ipsos, included over 14,000 participants from various income levels.

Main Causes of Child Hunger

For respondents whose children experienced hunger, 46% attributed it to inflation and the increased cost of living. The two other most common reasons cited were low household income (39%) and insufficient government focus on ending hunger (25%).

Impact of Inflation on the Global Economy

The surge in prices has affected economies worldwide due to pandemic-related disruptions to global supply chains and the effects of Russia’s war in Ukraine. Persistently high inflation has been a primary economic concern for economists this year, according to Reuters polls.

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The Global Perspective

The survey encompassed 16 countries, including Australia, Bangladesh, Brazil, Britain, Canada, Germany, Japan, Mexico, Peru, the Philippines, South Korea, the United States, Chad, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Iraq, and Malawi. In 11 out of the 16 countries, inflation and the increased cost of living were identified as the primary cause of child hunger, with Bangladesh reporting the highest percentage at 70%. Notably, even wealthy countries such as Canada (68%), Australia (66%), and Britain (66%) attributed higher prices as the main driver of child hunger.

It is evident that the global issue of hunger is exacerbated by high inflation and rising costs of living. As we strive for a more equitable world, it is crucial to address these underlying factors and work towards sustainable solutions that ensure access to adequate nutrition for all children.

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