HomeLatest NewsIsraeli Military Responds to Hezbollah Attack on Shebaa Farms

Israeli Military Responds to Hezbollah Attack on Shebaa Farms

Israel Strikes Southern Lebanon After Hezbollah Targets Israeli Military Positions

Israel launched artillery barrages into southern Lebanon in response to an attack by Hezbollah on three Israeli military positions in the disputed Shebaa Farms. There have been no reports of casualties from either side thus far.

Escalating Violence in the Region

The recent violence began with a significant attack by Palestinian gunmen on Israeli towns, resulting in the deaths of at least 250 Israelis. In retaliation, Israel conducted bombardments that claimed the lives of 230 Gazans. In a show of solidarity with the Palestinians, Hezbollah, a powerful armed party supported by Iran, targeted the Israeli military positions.

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Israeli Response

The Israeli military promptly fired artillery into Lebanon in the area where the mortar fire originated. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) stated, “IDF artillery is currently striking the area in Lebanon from where a shooting was carried out.” Additionally, an Israeli drone struck a Hezbollah post in the Shebaa area. The IDF spokesperson, Daniel Hagari, assured the public that there is no immediate threat in the region but emphasized that the military remains on high alert.

Disputed Territory

Israel has held the Shebaa Farms, a 15-square-mile (39-square-km) patch of land, since 1967. However, both Syria and Lebanon claim that the Shebaa Farms belong to Lebanon. The United Nations peacekeeping mission in southern Lebanon, known as UNIFIL, has reported rockets fired from southeast Lebanon into Israeli-occupied territory, as well as retaliatory artillery fire from Israel into Lebanon.

International Concerns

UNIFIL spokesperson Andrea Tenenti expressed concerns about the escalating situation and emphasized the need for containing the conflict to prevent further escalation. The demarcation line between Lebanon and Israel, known as the Blue Line, marks the area where Israeli forces withdrew when they left south Lebanon in 2000. In response to recent developments in Israel and Gaza, UNIFIL has increased its presence in southern Lebanon to address rocket launches.

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Appeals for De-escalation

Joanna Wronecka, the U.N.’s special coordinator for Lebanon, took to social media to express her deep concern about the exchange of fire. She urged all parties involved to prioritize the safety of Lebanon and its people, calling for an end to the violence. Hezbollah, which effectively controls southern Lebanon, stated that it maintains direct contact with leaders of Palestinian resistance groups and sees the attacks on Israel as a decisive response to the ongoing Israeli occupation.

It is crucial that the situation in the region is de-escalated to prevent further loss of life and instability. The international community must continue to work towards a peaceful resolution that addresses the underlying issues and concerns of all parties involved.

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