HomeEconomic IndicatorEurozone industrial production increases in August, but experiences significant decline compared to...

Eurozone industrial production increases in August, but experiences significant decline compared to the previous year.

Euro Zone Industrial Output Rises in August, but Still Faces Year-on-Year Decline

Positive Month-on-Month Growth Despite Yearly Setback

Euro zone industrial production exceeded expectations in August, displaying a month-on-month increase of 0.6%. However, when compared to the previous year, overall output decreased by more than 5%. The rise in production can be attributed to factories producing more consumer goods.

Disappointing Year-on-Year Figures

According to Eurostat, the European Union’s statistics office, industrial production in the euro zone declined by 5.1% compared to the previous year. Economists had predicted a 3.5% decline, making the actual figures quite disappointing. Despite this setback, there was a surprising rebound in the production of durable consumer goods, such as televisions and fridges, which contributed to the positive month-on-month growth.

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Varied Performance Across Different Sectors

While the output of non-durable consumer goods, like food and clothing, experienced a 0.5% increase for the second consecutive month, there was a decline in the production of energy and intermediate goods, such as steel and glass. Capital goods output also ticked up by 0.3% after a sharp fall in July. However, all types of production, except for non-durable consumer goods, experienced a significant 5-7% decrease compared to the previous year.

Concerns About Geopolitical Fragmentation and Inflation

Analysts have expressed concerns about geopolitical fragmentation and a potential resurgence of inflation. This week, forecasts for economic growth were revised downwards to 0.7% in 2023 and 1.2% in 2024, reflecting these concerns. The decline in industrial production adds to these worries.


Euro zone industrial production showed signs of improvement in August, with a higher-than-expected month-on-month growth. However, the overall decline compared to the previous year raises concerns about the economic outlook. The performance of different sectors varied, with durable consumer goods showing resilience while energy and intermediate goods experienced a decline. Analysts continue to monitor geopolitical developments and the risk of inflation as they assess the future of the euro zone’s industrial sector.

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