HomeFutures and CommoditiesAnticipating Surging Drone Attacks, Ukraine Prepares for Winter

Anticipating Surging Drone Attacks, Ukraine Prepares for Winter

ZAPORIZHZHIA (Reuters) – Ukraine’s Air Force Braces for Record Number of Russian Drone Attacks This Winter

Ukraine’s air force is preparing for an unprecedented surge in drone attacks from Russia this winter, according to spokesperson Yuriy Ihnat. As the country gears up for a second winter of intense bombardment on its energy facilities, the air force is anticipating a record number of Russian drone attacks on Ukrainian soil.

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Record Number of Shahed Drones

Ihnat revealed that September’s data already indicated a significant increase in the use of Iranian-designed Shahed kamikaze drones by Russia. He expects this winter to surpass last year’s figures, with over 500 Shahed drones deployed in September alone.

This number starkly contrasts with the previous winter’s air strike campaign, during which approximately 1,000 Shahed drones were used over a six-month period.

Impact on Energy Facilities

Last winter, attacks on energy facilities severely damaged Ukraine’s power system, leading to electricity and hot water rationing in most cities. Despite efforts to bolster air defenses, Ukrainian officials have voiced concerns about the possibility of a repeat scenario this winter. The power grid remains far from fully rebuilt after the last wave of bombardment.

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Ukraine Braces for Unprecedented Russian Drone Onslaught This Winter

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Additional Subtitles or Subheadings

Ukraine’s Air Force Prepares for Record Drone Attacks

The Rise of Shahed Drones: Breaking Last Year’s Figures

Impact on Energy Facilities: A Challenging Winter Ahead

Writing Style and Structure: Striking a Balance

Attacks on energy facilities last winter damaged a significant chunk of Ukraine’s power system and forced most cities to ration electricity and hot water.

Despite Ukraine bolstering its air defenses, officials have warned of the risk of a repeat this winter, with the power grid still far from rebuilt after the last campaign of bombardment.

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